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Avoid pitfalls! Misconceptions about wall thickness in the design of rotational molding products


We usually believe that rotational molding products can meet their design requirements by increasing the wall thickness of the product when under pressure. But after our research, we found that this is not the case. Come and see what's going on!

After testing and studying the tensile yield strength, fracture strength, and tensile modulus of samples with different thicknesses, we found that as the material thickness increases, the corresponding yield strength, fracture strength, and tensile modulus often exhibit a phenomenon of first increasing and then decreasing, with only varying degrees of increase and decrease.

Taking the test results of tensile modulus as an example, the maximum tangent modulus at strain ≤ 10% will first increase with the increase of sample thickness. When the sample thickness increases to 2mm, the tensile modulus reaches its highest point, and then decreases as the sample thickness continues to increase. When the thickness increases to 6mm, the tensile modulus actually decreases by about 32% from the highest point. Such a huge difference brings considerable hidden dangers to the design of plastic products.

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